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Illinois Civil War Project

Captain Cyrus L. Kinman
Company I, 115th Illinois Volunteer Infantry
bunting graphic
Capt. C. L. Kinman Co. I; oldest son of Lt. Col. William Kinman. Resigned commission 19 Oct. 1863 and wandered to the far West settling on a cattle ranch in Princeton, Idaho. His comments regarding his father’s death:

" He had just ridden along the line encouraging the men to stand firm. The last I saw of him alive, he passed into a cloud of smoke to the left of Company I. He had been dead an hour before I knew it. When I found his body it was near General Thomas' headquarters, to which place it had been carried by Perry L. Van Cleve of Company I, and Perry P. Tolle, Humphrey Muck and Charles Barker of Company D. I wrote his name and regiment on a piece of paper and pinned it on him. Being unable to do more for him, I returned to the regiment."

Submitted by: William L. Baran

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Last Edited: 15 Mar 2025

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