Raphael E. Lawler, a farmer, living three and a half miles east of Equality,
was born in December, 1858, on the wpot where he now lives, though the house
in which he was born was destroyed some years ago by fire. His father, Gen.
MICHAEL K. LAWLER, was born in County Kildare, Ireland, Nov. 16, 1814. When
he was about a year old his parents, John and Elizabeth (Kelly) Lawler came
to the United States. After about a year in Baltimore, Md., they came to
Gallatin county, Ill., making the greater part of the journey by way of
the Ohio river in a flatboat. John Lawler was the first Catholic to settle
in that part of the state, and was regarded with some curiosity by his neighbors
for this reason. He first bought land in what is known as the Pond, or Irish
Settlement, which land is still in the possession of his descendants. It
was largely through his influence that the first Catholic church was established
in that section. The old hewed log house with puncheon seats has long since
been replaced by a more modern structure, and many of the Catholics now
living in the vicinity are descendants of men who were induced to come there
by John Lawler. He and his wife both died comparatively young. Their children
were Mary, margaret, Michael and Thomas, all now deceased. Michael K. Lawler
grew to manhood in Gallatin county. On dec. 20, 1837, he was united in marriage
to Miss Elizabeth, daughter of John and Sina Crenshaw, old residents of
the county. At the time of the marriage her father was the largest land
owner in the county, and gave the young couple the farm where Raphael E.
now lives. They commenced their married life in a log cabin of one room,
later built a cheap frame house, then one of more modern character - the
one that was burned. When the Mexican war broke out M. K. Lawler was bookkeeper
for his father-in-law. He gave up his position, organized a company, of
which he was elected capatain, and was immediately sent to the front. At
Cerro Gordo the company distinguished itself, and from that time until the
close of the war was in several of the fiercest engagements. After the war
Captain Lawler took up the occupation of farming, which he followed until
the commencement of the Civil war. Then the old military spirit revived
and he organized the Eighteenth Illinois volunteer infantry, afterward known
as the "Bloody Eighteenth," of which he was commissioned colonel.
The regiment was in many of the hottest engagements of the war, particularly
in Tennessee, Alabama and Mississippi. At Fort Donelson Colonel Lawler was
severely wounded in the arm, but after a short time rejoined his command
and remained in the field until the end. On april 15, 1863, he was made
Brigadier-general by President Lincoln, and on April 17, 1866, received
the rank of brevet major-general from Andrew Johnson. At the close of the
war he was appointed commandant of the post at Baton Rouge, and while there
bought a cotton plantation, but soon afterward sold it, having been appointed
to a position as government storekeeper at San Antonio, Tex., where he remained
for two years. He then returned home and lived on his farm until his death,
July 26, 1882. Since his death his widow has made her home with the subject
of this sketch. The children of Michael and Elizabeth Lawler were Margaret,
deceased; Sina, now Mrs. Evans, in Mexico; John C., deceased; Mary, who
married a man named Riley and now deceased; Addie, Mrs. Walters, of Equality;
Judith, also a Mrs. Walters, now dead; Michael, Elizabeth and William, all
three deceased, and Raphael E. The parents were both members of the Catholic
church, in which General Lawler took great interest. He was also active
in politics and was one of the best known Democrats in Southern Illinois.
Raphael E. Lawler attended different colleges in his yough, but left college
to assume the management of his father's business, on account of the latter's
failing health. On Jan. 10, 1881, he was married to Elizabeth, daughter
of lewis and Elvira Fowler, and a native of Gallatin county. After his marriage
he lived with his parents until the death of his father, and since then
has had full control of the farm, which he now owns. Like his father, he
is a Democrat and a Catholic, now being one of the trustees of the church.
The children born to him and his wife are: Margaret A., now Sister M. Veronica,
O.S.M., of St. Mary's convent at Enfield, Ill.; Mary E., now Mrs. Luckett,
living near Equality; Michael K., Louis F., Raphael E., John C., Lawrence
C. and George F., at home; Elizabeth, deceased; Mary R., Paul, and Judith
A., at home; Philip, deceased; Anthony, deceased; Mary, at home; Mary N.,
deceased, and Monica A., deceased.
Submitted by H. C. Davis |