Transcription of Discharge Paper for
Stephen P. Otis
Company D, 112th Illinois Volunteer Infantry
- Co. D. 112th Ill.
- To all whom it may concern (curved across top)
- engagements listed below: (also curved)
- Knoxville, Resaca, Atlanta, Franklin, Nashville, Wilmington
- E. Tennessee Raid
- June 1863
- Mustered out
- Greensboro, N.C.
- Know you, that Stephen P. Otis a Corporal of: Captain Augustus
A. (Davis? Dunn? Dewey?) Co. D 112th Regiment of Illinois Infantry
Volunteers, who was enrolled the ninth day of August one thousand
eight huyndred and sixty two to serve three years or during the
war, is hereby Discharged from the service of the United States
this Twentieth day of June 1865, at Greensboro, N.C. by reason
of: G.? O.No. 75. C.S. 1865 Dept. N.C. (No objection to his being
re-enlisted is known to exist.*). Said Stephen P. Otis was born
in _______ in the state of Ohio, is twenty twenty two years of
age, five feet Eleven inches high, sandy complexion, grey eyes,
Sandy hair, and by occupation, when enrolled, a farmer.
- Given at Greensboro, N.C. this Twentieth day of June 1865
- Signed (ASE?) Smith Capt. 100 D.V.I. and (C?) M. 23"
A.C. Mustering Officer
- Augustus A. (looks like Dewey here?)
- Capt. Commanding the Co.
Transcribed and submitted by Dee
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