"While In The Servis"
Leonard Pierpont
Company K, 76th Illinois Volunteer Infantry
Submitted by Chandice Johnson, who transcribed it from the original.
Daily Pocket Diary for the Year 1865
[Purchased at Memphis in January, 1865]
Sunday, 1 Past Helena at 4 oclock this morning. Got to Mouth of White River at 10. oclock AM.
Monday, 2 Got to Vicksburg at 4 oclock this morning stoped to coal & wood. Started about 1. oclock. past Natchez at 9 oclock PM
Tuesday, 3 Got to Port Hudson at day light. Got to B Rouge at 10 oclock saw A Smith I Cater. Droped down a few miles & wooded, started on at one oclock, passed some very beautiful country at night it was foggy so that we could not run much
Wednesday, 4 Stoped & let off a lot of cattle a few miles above New Orleans. Got into New Orleans about sun rise. At 2 oclock we got on boat Aberville & went up the River to Kennerville, lay on the boat through the night
Thursday, 5 Last night the 8th came on the Autocrat, & our Reg't things & our detail,they brought Sams & my box with them, the rest of the brig'd & Dennis came this morning. It tryed to rain some through the day. Got our camp up at night.
Friday, 6 Last night it rained very hard, & is quite mudy this morning, but it has cleared off quite pleasent. I am on guard at a Mill with two boys. Answered Fathers Letter
Saturday, 7 Pleasent all day, and are still on guard. the 8th Ills got pay to day
Sunday, 8 Was relieved in the Afternoon
Monday, 9 Last night it rained very hard, it rained all day to day, & blew very hard so as to tare some of the tents all to pieces
Tuesday, 10 Blew hard all last night without much rain, it cleared off about noon, it is very mudy the 30th Ills got pay to day Paid the 46th at night
Wednesday, 11 Pleasent but cool Got a letter from Father & Newton
Thursday, 12 To day is pleasent & the pay Master is paying off our Regt four months pay
Friday, 13 Answered Fathers letter it was quite warm all day Had Co inspection
Saturday, 14 Rather cloudy part of the day had Co. drill & inspection
Sunday, 15 Had Co inspection rained some in the afternoon
Monday, 16 Last night it rained but cleared off pleasent to day signed the pay roll
Tuesday, 17 Rained some in the forenoon but cleared off in the Afternoon. At night Sam & I got a pass to go to Carroilton to see some of the Mercantile Battery
Wednesday, 18 Started before light got there about 8 oclock & the Battery had gone a few days before, then got a pass & went to New Orleans got a pair of boots came up on the cars at 5 oclock & most of the boys were arrested for not having a proper pass. Sam & I got away from the guards. Got a letter from Mary
Thursday, 19 Last night it rained some wet all day I wrote a letter to Newton & wrote one for P. Michals.
Friday, 20 Last night it rained most of the night & all day to day it is rather cool & very mudy
Saturday, 21 It rained most of last night, this morning is foggy but the sun came out, but clouded up through the day
Sunday, 22 Last night it rained & most of the day to day
Monday, 23 Last night the wind began to blow from the North West & is quite cool this morning & cloudy but the sun came out at noon. At night I went to Curcus in charge of ten men
Tuesday, 24 Last night froze quite hard but thawed out through the day at noon I went to the curcus & at night I was detailed for camp guard
Wednesday, 26 This morning the ground is froze quite hard, I came off of guard at night
Thursday, 26 The ground is froze quite hard. Got orders for inspection
Friday, 27 Had General inspection this forenoon, it rained some through the day. I done some washing in the forenoon
Saturday, 28 It rained some last night, but it did not rain any to day but was cool & cloudy I answered Mary's letter
Sunday, 29 Had Co Inspection this morning. It was quite pleasent all day
Monday, 30 Had Co inspection in the morning. It clouded up at noon with a cool wind
Tuesday, 31 To day is pleasent & I went to Brig'd Head Quarters on buisness
Wednesday, 1 It is quite warm & pleasent. Had Battalion Drille in the afternoon
Thursday, 2 It is cloudy with little rain
Friday, 3 Last night it rained some & some through the day at night the Brig'd got marching orders but our Regt & the 30 Ills W Charles & sent a box home
Saturday, 4 This morning is very cloudy & foggy & we got marching orders I am on duty Got a letter from Father & answered it to Newt as father had gone a way the Brig left but the 30th & us, we drawed pup tents
Sunday, 5 To day it rained all day hard
Monday, 6 It rained last night & most of the, day to day
Tuesday, 7 It cleared off this morning & was pleasent & dryed up fast all day
Wednesday, 8 Sam & I went & got our Negative taken
Thursday, 9 To day is pleasent & Sam & I got our photographs
Friday, 10 To day is quite pleasent & we had Co drill in the morning & then we fixed up our tent
Saturday, 11 This morning the 30th left on the Cars At noon we got orders to be ready to leave at a moments notice, & 4 Co got on the steamship Nashua Cos A, B. F, H, & they got orders to stay till 9 oclock the next day
Sunday, 12 At night Cos C D & I, Got on the George Peabody after sun down. At Midnight Cos G & K got on the Belvidier & our teems & droped down the river about 3 miles the 37th Ills
Monday, 13 The 37th got on with us & we started down the river at about 10 oclock pass New Orleans down the River
Tuesday, 14 Last night the rain drove the boys off of the upper deck with a hard wind we ankord through the night, in the morning we were piloted over the bar went out on the sea at one oclock & it was so rough that we came back into the mouth of the River got back about 3 oclock good many of the boys vomited I among
Wednesday, 15 Rained some last night. Started out again at 1 oclock PM boat rides nice Had inspection this morning by order of the Major of 37 Ill
Thursday, 16 Got to Ft Morgan at 8 oclock Am & Anchored, this reported to Ft Morgan & then started out again at 10 oclock AM & got to Ft. Barrancas at k 4 oclock PM. had a pleasent voyage At night I was detail for guard & we unloaded after night got through about midnight
Friday, 17 Went to camp at 3 oclock this morning where four of the Co's was put up our dog tents, I got 3 papers
Saturday, 18 This morning the rest of the Reg't came, & the field Officers also, they came by the way of Lake Ponchitrain. I wrote home
Sunday, 19 This morning W Carman came from on furlough. Had Co inspection, wrote a letter to Sher
Monday, 20 Had Reg't inspection at 11 oclock Battallion Drill at 2 oclock
Tuesday, 21 Co drill in the forenoon & Battalion drill in the afternoon
Wednesday, 22 The forts fired a salute for George Washington birthday Had Battalion drill in the afternoon. Cloudy without much rain
Thursday, 23 Had Co drill in the forenoon Battalion in the after Cloudy without much rain
Friday, 24 Co drill in the forenoon At noon it began to rain
Saturday, 25 Had Co Drill in the fore noon it rain some through the day
Sunday, 26 Had Co inspection & was very warm through the day. Had General Review by Geni Andrews
Monday, 27 Sam & I went to Warrington & through the Forts Barrancus [Florida near Pensacola] & Redout
Tuesday, 28 Had Reg't inspection & muster It rained some last night I was on detail with 5 of the boys sweeping up Co quarters, Battalion drill Got a letter from Newton first mail
Wednesday, 1. Rained last night. Had Battalion drill in the Afternoon
Thursday, 2 Had Co drill in the forenoon. Answered Newt letter. Genris Steel Asboth & Andrews visited us at dress parrade. Wrote a letter for Keplinger
Friday, 3 Genr'l Steel inspected us this forenoon. Had Battalion drill in the Afternoon
Saturday, 4 Rained pretty hard last night
Sunday, 5 Rather cool this morning. Had inspection this forenoon
Monday, 6 Target shooting & Co drill in the forenoon & a pleasent day. Battalion drill in the Afternoon
Tuesday, 7 I went on picket rather cool through the day
Wednesday, 8 Last night it rained from midnight till morn very hard, but at sun rise it cleared off & was quite pleasent was relieved at 10 oclock Charles went to the Hospital
Thursday, 9 Sent a box home Battalion drill in the afternoon
Friday, 10 Last night rained & is quite cool through the day. At night got marching orders
Saturday, 11 Started at sun rise & marched to Pensacola got there at three oclock & went into camp
Sunday, 12 Lade of[f] camp & put up our tents & moved a few rods
Monday, 13 This morning moved back where we were & fix up the tents.
Tuesday, 14 Last night it began to rain & rained all day to day
Wednesday, 15 This morning the sun came out. I wrote a letter for Newton & wrote a letter for Crabtree
Thursday, 16 Last night it rained. Wrote John Keplinger a letter. At 2 oclock had Divisioninspection At night I was detail for guard in camp
Friday, 17 Very fleer the whole Reg't are out of camp on detail Sam is on picket
Saturday, 18 Wrote a letter for John Keplinger Wm Watkins & John Laky came they were left at Barrancus
Sunday, 19 Had Co inspection Went to town to meeting Got orders & drawed ten days rations. Got orders to march at day light
Monday, 20 Started at six oclock with 5 days rations in haversack we were train guard. stoped about 3 oclock for the night
Tuesday, 21 Last night it rained very hard Started at light raining very hard at the time we were in the advance went into camp about 9 oclock PM stop for the day the wagons sink in up to the Axel & the boys had to draw them out with ropes
Wednesday, 22 Cos F, G, H, I & K went out at light to fix up the roads. Got a mail. I got letter from Sher Newt & Mary. Got through work & back to camp at three oclock
Thursday, 23 Started at 10 oclock. the Reg't was rear & train guard. Got into camp at sun down
Friday, 24 Lay in camp till 5 oclock for them to build a bridge across Barren creak when we moved across & went into camp
Saturday, 25 Started at past six, our Bgd was in the front, the Cavalry done a good deal of skirmishing took some 125 Prisoners besides 18 Corn Officers killed some on both sides went into camp about 5 oclock neer the Escumbia River. capture brig'd General Clanton wounded him severly
Sunday, 26 Our Brig1d cross the river at sun rise. Gen Andrews with us & went to Pollard [Alabama] without much resistance got there at I past 10, tore up some rail road, & Telegraph, start back at I past 12, got back to camp at sun down, they couldn't cross with any horses
Monday, 27 Started I past 10. Our Brig'd was train guard in the rear. It began to rain at noon & rained all day & made it awfull mudy our Reg't got into camp at 9 clock PM & very mudy
Tuesday, 28 The rest of the train is coming in this morning. Got up & we moved forward at I past 10. Marched a few miles & went into camp at sun down
Wednesday, 29 Started at Six oclock. Our Reg't was train guard. we past the Negro Comd at noon had to cross a mud swamp it rained all the afternoon went into camp at dusk
Thursday, 30 It rained quite hard last night. Started at I past 8 most of the Brig'd were building cord roy road for the train our Co did't went into camp at sun down. We have had to build most of the way on the trip
Friday, 31 Started at I past 5 Co K was advance guard of the Reg't. Marched to Stockton [Alabama] about 15 miles got there little before sun down, after night I was detail for fatigued went down to a Grist Mill, & came back for we were not needed
Saturday, 1 Started at 10 oclock & marched 10 miles, went into camp at six oclock
Sunday, 2 Started at 5 oclock. Our Reg't were train guard, heard canonading all the morning got up the line around Blakely [Alabama] at I past 9. lay around the lines all day at night we moved out onto the lines & fortified some, the rebs done a good deal of canonading all day
Monday, 3 Up most of last night. our Co moved into the pits about 5 oclock. we advance a line in the front of the pits. there was a good deal of shooting, the rebs shelled us pretty thick without any damage
Tuesday, 4 I went down to the 8 Ill & 11 Ill lay in the ditches all day, was a good deal of firing, at night we got mail I got a Magazine & letter from Wm Atkinson. work some in the pit there was a good deal of canonading & musketry Philip Spurgin wounded
Wednesday, 5 Wrote a. letter to Newt worked some in the pit & built us a cave to live in & keep the pices out of shell out. Good deal of canonading we planted some pices last night used them some to day
Thursday, 6 There was several small guns planted last night & open pretty long this morning wrote a letter Wm atkinson Wrote one for Jasper Crabtree
Friday, 7 About 4 oclock this morning the musketry open pretty sharp for a while Sam & I went over to the 8 & 11. Tryed to rain all day & did some about noon At night our Co went out on picket reserve through the night
Saturday, 8 Wrote two letters for John Keplinger Had pretty heavy firing around the lines several times through the day, & at k past 5 it was a continual bumbing [?] neer the Spanish Fort of large guns .
Sunday, 9 Spanish fort taken last night & there was flying reports all day as Richmond & Petersburg taken & at 4 oclock PM the nigger Div advance there line up with ours & at 5 there was a charge all round the 76 Colors were the first on the rebi line the force took the line & all men with it. It was after one oclock before we could rest .
Monday, 10 Got up this morning & burned the dead, the Reg't went into the forts to do guard duty. the Reg't lost 98 killed & wounded Henry Hersey killed in Co K & Roberts Duke Le Fevre Pierpont Horn Swinford Reardon Morgans Kiplinger Michal wounded. the Reg't came back from the fort, the ground is full of Torpedoes. I got word that Sherman was killed. I went & found his grve & got his diary with some letters some were not open [At top of page: "Wrote a letter home & one to Tomas Keplinger."]
Tuesday, 11 Wrote home. Wrote one to N D & sent them the letter back. Wrote one for Jasper Crabtree. The wounded boys were sent off from the Hospital
Wednesday, 12 Got up & started last night at 11 oclock, & marched till 8 oclock this morning when we got to the landing below Spanish fort 16 miles, then lay in camp all day. Mobile surrendered at one oclock drawed clothing
Thursday, 13 Got mail I [got] a letter from Father 2 papers got two letters for Kep answered one of them to G Miller wrote one for Jasper Crabtree. After night the boys that couldn't carry there loads went down & got on the boat N. W. Thomas at about 10 oclock. I went on the boat
Friday, 14 Started at light & got to Mobile at 8 oclock. lay there all day on the boat, the Reg't went up to Blakely
Saturday, 15 Started this morning at 7 oclock on the same boat & got to Blakely about 8 oclock & went up to camp where the Reg't was
Sunday, 16 Had Reg't inspection. Answered Fathers letter. Official reports of the surrender of Lee Army to Grant continuing. Flying reports of Peace. A pretty happy set of boys by night & built bonfires
Monday, 17 To day at noon there was a salute fired of[f] shots for the victory over Lee
Tuesday, 18 Had Gen'l inspection. Wrote a letter for Jasper Crabtree
Wednesday, 19 At night got orders to be ready to march at a moments notice & drawed five days rations
Thursday, 20 Got the sad news of Abe Lincoln being killed
Friday, 21 Got up last night at past 12 oclock & went onto the boat Polar Star & started at light & went to Mobile about an hours run rained all day very hard. Got a letter from Mary & one from Newton & two Magazines lay in front of Mobile all day. three co of the 69 md got on with us
Saturday, 22 Very cool. The fleet Started at six oclock up the Alabama River 17 boats of them Gun boats & all 14 Transports. about one hour before sun down we Anchored for the night, run about 50 miles
Sunday, 23 Started at six oclock & went till after Sun down before we anchored. the banks of the river have been flat & covered with water all the way about sun down we passed fortified hill. It was a strong fort 3 of the 69 fell over board & only one saved
Monday, 24 Started at eight & it was very fogy so that could hardly run for some time tied up to shore at sun down & the boys made work foraging Hams shoulders & chickens & C. We passed through very good country plenty of Plantations & high land.
Tuesday, 25 Started at light quite pleasent all day, as it has been all the way pasted several nice Plantations & high land all the way. Got to Clifton after 9 oclock & tied up to shore for the night
Wednesday, 26 Started at 8 oclock, pasted some first rate farms run till one oclock at night & anchored in the stream
Thursday, 27 Started at 6 oclock & got up to Cowhawba at 8 oclok. some very nice buildings there got up to Selma at 3 oclock. went on to the other side of the river & went into camp. the Publice buildings are burnt but a good meny women men & children left
Friday, 28 Cross back on the Selma side at 9 oclock. I was on fatigued unloading Oats corn & hay from the boats & at dark we went out to camp where the Reg't was the west side of town, what few Confederate soldiers there were here left for there is armistice between Sherman & Johnson
Saturday, 29 I answered Marys & Newtons letters which I got at Mobile. We are lying still under the report of an Armistice
Sunday, 30 Had Reg't inspection & muster had inspection & parrade between 5 & 6 oclock
Monday, 1 Hauled lumber & we raised our tents up and put bunks in them. At night I was detaild for guard duty in camp
Tuesday, 2 Came off of guard at 3 oclock this morning & C R Clark & I went and milked our cows about k mile from camp was on guard twice to day was relieved at six oclock
Wednesday, 3 Went to town in the fore noon, & in the afternoon Hull & I went & shelled about a bushel of corn to take to mill
Thursday, 4 The corn was taken to mill this morning, had Co drill one hour, I wrote a letter for Jasper Crabtree. Got news that Dick Taylor had surrendered to canby on the same terms that Lee did to Grant & all the states east of the Chattahoochee river were back in the union
Friday, 5 Had Co drill good part of the Reg't.was on picket. Got news that there was no more fighting east of the Mississippi River. Grate rejoicing through camp
Saturday, 6 At noon we got mail three boats came up in the forenoon I got two bunches of papers a letter from father Mary & one from Sam at Greenvill, La. A train of 5 cars came in from the west in the Afternoon I answered fathers letter
Sunday, 7 Had Reg't inspection at 9 oclock. Answered Marys letter
Monday, 8 It rained last night. Had the Battalion drill in the manuel of Arms Wrote a letter for Jasper Crabtree quite pleasent through the day Had Geni review at 5 oclock the cars came in again it began to rain. I was detailed for guard in camp
Tuesday, 9 It cleared off in the night. Our Reg't turn to do picket duty 11 men 1 Corp & 1 Serg't out of K Co
Wednesday, 10 Had inspection of Gas 3rd Brig'd had review the cars came in loaded with a lot of Paroled prisoners that we took at Blakly
Thursday, 11 Got orders to be ready to march at a moments notice. C. R. Clark & I went to town got back at noon the town was full of reb prisoners. It rained very hard about noon At night we went down & got onto the boat Peerless & I was detailed for guard for 24 hours
Friday, 12 Started down the river about 2 oclock AM. Made good time run all day
Saturday, 13 Got to Mobile at 3 oclock this morning got off at sun rise & went outside camp about 3 miles north west of the City in the Pine Timber. Got a Litchfield paper from home & a letter from George Miller at Mound City Ills Hospital
Sunday, 14 Nothing of consequence going on farther than flying reports all day
Monday, 15 Signed the pay roll. got our things & Clothing that we left at Barrancas Florida. Wrote a letter to Wm Charles wrote a letter Charles
Tuesday, 16 Had General inspection in the afternoon the Reg't drilled in the manuel of Arms
Wednesday, 17 Wrote a letter for Jasper Crabtree drilled manuel of armes Got two Magazines & C?] papers. At night I was detailed for guard duty in camp
Thursday, 18 It rained very hard last night rained some through the day.
Friday, 19 Quite a nice day Got a letter from Mother & one from Thomas Keplinger
Saturday, 20 Went to town on a Pass with four men, got back little After sun down. Got a letter from Mary & one from Sam Le Fevre. I was detailed for guard duty in Camp
Sunday, 21 The Reg't had inspection. I was orderly. Answered Mothers letter & Samuel Le Fevre & answered Thomas Keplinger. Joseph Kinnan came back to the company from disertion
Monday, 22 I done some washing sowing through the day it is very hot
Tuesday, 23 The Reg't got payed off it is very hot through the day. Had drill in the manuel of Arms
Wednesday, 24 Got two papers Corp'l Simons & Gelen Denigres came back from the Pioneer Corps where they have been for the last 2 years
Thursday, 25 I drilled Joseph Kinnan wrote a letter to Newton. Grate explodsion in the town of a Magazin Grate loss of life building & boats blowed up Wm Hull wounded in our Co I went down to see him after night. Depot blowed down
Friday, 26 I went to town, took Wm L Hulls knapsack down to the Hospital. the town is a hard looking place
Saturday, 27 Moved Camp to the South West side of town just in side of the earth works
Sunday, 28 Had Company inspection. Wrote a letterto Mary went down to the Hospital. Got letter from Mary & Newton. Has dress parrade
Monday, 29 Wrote a letter to Wm L Hull Brother, I was on fatigued getting poles & forks for shade for the Camp had six men with me it rained some in the afternoon, Had dress parrade
Tuesday, 30 Went down to Hospital Had parrade
Wednesday, 31 I helped post the books at Co Head Quarters Had Parrade
Thursday, 1 I went to town At night I was detail for guard duty in camp
Friday, 2 Got a letter from Mary & one from John Keplinger Answered Keps letter. Very hot to day
Saturday, 3 Had a review of the 13th Army Corps. General Granger & Salmon P Chase reviewed us at I Past 7 oclock. weather quite hot
Sunday, 4 Very warm all day. Had Dress parrade
Monday, 5 Wrote a letter to Newton At night I was detail for guard duty in Camp with three men
Tuesday, 6 On guard all day. Quite warm
Wednesday, 7 I went to town & at night I went to see Willis & Thompsons Minstrels preform
Thursday, 8 Got a paper from home. At night I was detailed for guard duty in Camp with three men
Friday, 9 Got a letter from Mary & one from Mrs Alkire I done some writing for the Capt
Saturday, 10 Went out to 4 mile Station on St Francis Streat. Missed Roll Call
Sunday, 11 Had company Inspection Answered Marys letters done Extry sweep Street
Monday, 12 I went on picket with six men & a Serg't on the Rail Road it rained in the fore noon
Tuesday, 13 Came off of picket got two bunches of papers from home. At night some of the boys went out onto Government Street
Wednesday, 14 Had Co Drille. It rained quite hard through the day so. that water stood all over the ground
Thursday, 15 It rained last night but cleared off this morning & was quite warm through the day
Friday, 16 Had General inspection I went to town got a letter from Father
Saturday, 17 Done some sewing for Eloi Hatton on a pair of pants
Sunday, 18 Had Co inspection. Wrote Jasper Crabtree a letter. Answered Fathers letter. Quite hot. Had a very hard Thunder storm about 5 oclock lightning killed one man and hurt several more in the 24 md vol I went on guard duty in camp
Monday, 19 Got a letter from Sam & one from Wm L. Hull from New Orleans. At night went out to Spring Hill
Tuesday, 20 Very hot all day. Had Dress Parrade at 5 oclock
Wednesday, 21 Wrote a letter to Sam Colonel Busy came from home where he had been since Blakely fight where he was wounded
Thursday, 22 Very hot all day. Nothing in particular going on
Friday, 23 I was on the pass. At night I was detailed for guard duty in camp
Saturday, 24 Had quite a shower last night, & one this Afternoon I was on guard all day
Sunday, 25 Had Reg't inspection in the morning. At noon the left wing go marching orders to go immediately struck tent & rucksacks & at 4 oclock we put up our tents for it looked like rain, & rained all the way out. Thunder & lightning
Monday, 26 Rained very hard last night the sun came out pleasent & hot this morning. Got a letter from Newton & Mary. got orders to leave Afternoon Went down & got onto the Alice Vinton about 3 oclock. got out into the bay & went aboard the H. Livinston at I past 6
Tuesday, 27 Started at day light past Fort Morgan at 81 oclock & pasted the Mouth of the Miss River at I past 9 oclock
Wednesday, 28 I was detailed for guard duty on the boat. Rough sea all day most all the boys were sick Anchored about 9 oclock out side of the bar at Galveston Texas
Thursday, 29 Lay Anchored all day. sea very rough. cloudy part of the day. 18 boats lying out side can't get over the bar
Friday, 30 Rained some this morning cleared off about noon pulled Anchor & moved up close to the bar & anchored. It calm down through the day
Saturday, 1 Run in about 8 oclock AM. & unloaded & about 12 oclock we got into camp on the South side of town
Sunday, 2 Cleaned & straight up camp very hot
Monday, 3 Answered Newton & Marys letters wrote one for Jasper Crabtree a letter, had dress parrade
Tuesday, 4 Spent the fourth out in the country eating water melons till 3 oclock went out about 5 miles a foot 4 of us Wm Henry, Wm Moses, F Hickman At 5 oclock went down town on review & had prayer & the declaration of independence read
Wednesday, 5 Our Muster out rolls came to the Reg't
Thursday, 6 The discharge blanks came
Friday, 7 I am taking pills for the. Diarrheas
Saturday, 8 Took a dose of oil & got some pills
Sunday, 9 Feel some better went & got * Doz more pills Wm. L. Hull came to the Reg't.
Monday, 10 Went up & got some powders to take
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