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Photo Album of Illinois Civil War Soldiers

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Page 27

Click on a photo to see it in it's original size and/or further information on the soldier or regiment.

Fritz Kramp

Captain David Lloyd - Co K, 93rd Infantry

George O. Lloyd - Co B, 52nd Infantry

John G. James - Co B, 57th Infantry

Sheldon Marsh - Co C, 13th Infantry; Co I, 56th Infantry

Austin Martin, Jr. - Co C, 8th Cavalry

Pyrrhus Woodward Harding - Co E, 97th Infantry

George Columbus Harding - Co E, 97th Infantry

Merritt Lewis - Co E, 51st Infantry

Daniel W. Sanders - Co I, 128th Infantry

Sanders, Luke R. - Co C, 128th Infantry

Sanders, Larkin L. - 128th Infantry, Co F, 9th Infantry

Unidentified Sanders - 128th Infantry

Joseph Marion Weir - Co. C, 15th Cavalry

Samuel Purdum
2nd Lt. C Company, 59th Infantry

James Moody
H Company, 50th Infantry

John Scott
C Company 16th Illinois Infantry

Luke Perry
D Company, 84th Illinois Infantry
Died of Wounds at Battle of Stones River

John Perry
D Company, 84th Illinois Infantry
Wounded at Chickamauga -
died of scury at Andersonville 1864

Alfred E. Cressler
B Company, 45th Illinois Infantry

Sanders William Jones
A Company 118th Regiment, Illinois Infantry


Page through more photos by clicking on page numbers below:

Pg. 1 Pg. 2 Pg. 3 Pg. 4 Pg. 5 Pg. 6 Pg. 7 Pg. 8 Pg. 9
Pg. 10 Pg. 11 Pg. 12 Pg. 13 Pg. 14 Pg. 15 Pg. 16 Pg. 17 Pg. 18
Pg. 19 Pg. 20 Pg. 21 Pg. 22 Pg. 23 Pg. 24 Pg. 25 Pg. 26 Pg. 27

For corrections or additions, please contact Special Project Coordinator: Kimberly Morgan
Last Edited: 09 Feb 2025

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